Rotary Awareness and Orientation program

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 10 Jul 2022
Meeting Time 12:00:00
Location Sahawas Hall
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Rotary Awareness and Orientation program
Meeting Agenda Orientation and Training
Chief Guest Rtn Prakash Avachat
Club Members Present 38
Minutes of Meeting President Rtn Ajay Mutatkar called meeting to order followed by National Anthem National Anthem was sung by all along with the video of Sahawas Singers President Rtn Ajay welcomed all including new members and spouses. He briefed about the club recent activities and projects. Secretary Rtn Rahul narrated four way test and gave secretarial announcements - including birthdays, anniversaries and next weeks' programs. He also informed @ the donation of Rs. 1 Lakh to the Pune Sahawas . Rotary trust by President Ajay. Chartered President Rtn Shekhar Takalkar briefed about the club history and progress Club trainer Rtn Prakash Avachat gave a presentation regarding Rotary - briefing all @ Rotary -its purpose, spread and work in 7 avenues. He also made the audience aware about the functioning, administration of Rotary clubs , its structure from club to district to national- international level. Audience were also informed about Rotary Foundation, various avenues of BOD The session was interactive type where many senior Rotarians also expressed their feedbacks, opinion and views regarding Rotary. The session ended by upwas fellowship